About me
I graduated the faculty of photo reporters named after U.A.Gulperin in 2006, graduated from Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimov in 2013.
I have worked for the photo agency "Interpress", for the film studio "Lenfilm", for the Internet TV as a photographer and a cameraman.
Since 2011 I have been producing my own media projects (the production of films, organization of cinema labs).
I have been working as a photographer and a cameraman in the main projects and at the main events for ANCO "Upsala-circus". The documentary short-length film "Staya" (The Pack") became a member of five international film festivals. A full-length film "I am Pakitan" was short in Germany, Switzerland and Russia. The purpose of the project "SELFIE" supported by the festival "Detskie Dni" ("Kids' Days") in St. Petersburg under the teenage programme, and the company "Askrin", was to investigate the phenomenon of "selfie" together with the teenagers from two groups of the targeted audience (pupils of a comprehensive school and a boarding school for children with hearing disorder), as well as to get acquainted with the modern art of the teenage world. Also it dealt with assisting teenagers with self-expression through photography, video and music. The result of the project was the media exhibition at the Museum of the History of Photography in St. Petersburg. The authors, the main heroes and supervisors were teenagers themselves.
I have been actively shooting feature films and documentaries as a cinematographer since 2006.